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These are exactly the same files (Real Estate Manager Pro) distributed by WebCodingPlace. We don’t offer any additional author services like the author’s support and license keys (read our FAQ for more information). If you require support, we suggest you buy the product directly from the official developer sales page using the link below. is not in any way related to third-party developers or trademark owners. All the images and content on this page are the property of their respective owners.
Plugin Page Sales Page Documentation Change Logs
Real Estate Manager is a Responsive Property Listing WordPress Plugin for Full Feature Real Estate website and Portal. It has nice & clean designs for property templates and it adds special integration features like Property Types, Property Video, Gallery Slider, Advanced AJAX Search, Google Maps with property location markers, Properties Carousel, Grid listing, Front End Property Submission, Search Widget, Mortgage Calculator, Front End Profile Editing, easy to use settings and much more…
It is also a WordPress-based Property Management System that allows you to own and maintain a real estate marketplace, approve registered agents, accept property submissions, agent profile management, paid ads, etc.