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These are exactly the same files (Divi Mega Pro) distributed by Tim Strifler. We don’t offer any additional author services like the author’s support and license keys (read our FAQ for more information). If you require support, we suggest you buy the product directly from the official developer sales page using the link below. is not in any way related to third-party developers or trademark owners. All the images and content on this page are the property of their respective owners.
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Divi Mega Pro is the easiest way to create gorgeous, full-featured Mega Menus and Mega Tooltips using the Divi Builder!
Divi Mega Pro taps into the power of Divi to allow you to create any kind of Mega Menu you desire. Use the Divi Builder to easily craft your Mega Menu and have full control over the design and content like never before.
Plus, Divi Mega Pro introduces an entirely new way to display content on your Divi websites: The Mega Tooltip. Mega Tooltips are like hover popups that can be triggered on hover or click for your users.
Divi Mega Pro utilizes custom post types to allow you to create unlimited Mega Menus or Mega Tooltips for your Divi website. Using the Divi Builder, you can craft your mega content using any of Divi’s built-in modules, as well as 3rd party modules, and other WordPress plugins. Plus, you can use Divi’s built-in design tools such as gradients, box shadows, etc to create unique mega menus or mega tooltips that were never before possible without complex coding.