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EvnTalk – Event Conference WordPress Theme

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These are exactly the same files (EvnTalk – Event Conference WordPress Theme) distributed by RadiusTheme. We don’t offer any additional author services like the author’s support and license keys (read our FAQ for more information). If you require support, we suggest you buy the product directly from the official developer sales page using the link below.


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EvenTalk is the most versatile events and conference theme for WordPress. It has 12 unique homepage layouts, available as multi-page or one-page designs. Each layout has been carefully crafted to provide a modern and clean browsing experience for your readers. With EvenTalk, your events and conferences are going to stand out like never before.

By creating EvenTalk—we wanted to capture the design essence of conference and event websites. We have done this through a thoughtfully aligned design structure for each unique layout. Each section has been carefully designed to make sure it’s easy to read and understand.

Any event or conference relies on a schedule. The schedule is also the first thing your attendees are going to look at. So, with that in mind, the EvenTalk WordPress theme provides multiple ways to display your conference or event schedule.


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